Using User Code

For high code generation flexibility, it is allowed to override code generating functions. To do this you need to write your event listener in JavaScript and place them in the User Code file.

By default, the User Code file is named as "usercode.js" and can be found under the "src" subfolder of the installed directory, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\<product name> <version>\src. However, you can rename it or put it elsewhere if necessary, just modify the value of the following registry key and specify the full path of your User Code file:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\<product name>\<version>\Settings\General
Value name: UserCode


  1. User Code uses events by Node.js. If you are not familiar with Node.js events, read Events first.
  2. When a new minor version is released, you will need to reinstall the product. During installation, the registry and the User Code file will be overwritten, so make sure you backup your User Code file.


1. Overriding System Function

In the User Code file, you can override the following system functions:

FieldView - This function outputs code for displaying the field in list, view and delete pages.
FieldEdit - This function outputs code for the field as form elements in add/copy, edit and search pages.

In general, you compare the generated code with the corresponding page in the template, find out which function generate the code you want to customize. Then you can modify the generated code outputted by the system function by adding a listener to the function:

Events.on("<SystemFunction>", (args) => {

    // Your code to modify args.code


where <SystemFunction> is the system function name.

For example, if you want to override the function FieldView,

1) View the original code first, make sure the code you want to replace is indeed generated by the function.


Events.on("FieldView", (args) => {
    //Throw(args); // Output the args object as string and stop generation
    Throw(args.code); // Output the code and stop generation

Note The Throw() function will stringify the argument by JSON.stringify() and throw the string as error message and stop generation so that you can view the code.

2) Generate scripts, view the generated code, copy the code you want to replace, modify it as you need.

3) Modify args.code as you need.


Events.on("FieldView", (args) => {
    args.code = args.code.replace(<pattern>, "new code"); // Replace part of the code (see note below), or
args.code = "my code" + args.code; // Prepend your code to the end of the original code, or
    args.code += "my code"; // Append your code to the end of the original code, or
    args.code = "my code"; // Replace the old code with your own code completely

Note The String object's replace() method returns a new string with some or all matches of a pattern replaced by a replacement. The pattern can be a string or a RegExp, and the replacement can be a string or a function to be called for each match. If pattern is a string, only the first occurrence will be replaced.


2. BeginGenerate and EndGenerate Events

You can add your listeners for the BeginGenerate and EndGenerate events to do what you need by Node.js before and after generation.


Events.on("EndGenerate", () => {
    // Your code to do something after generation


3. Project Settings

You can access the global PROJ object BEFORE generation. The PROJ contains all project settings and you can change everything.


Add packages to package.json

PROJ.Require = {
    "@hkvstore/my-package": "1.0.0",
}; // In JSON format

Note This is just an example to show how you can change the project properties. To add packages easily, use Tools -> npm Packages, see Tools.


4. User Functions

You can add your own functions to the global object so you can use them in template and extensions.


global.myFunc = function() {
    return "something";

Note Make sure you use unique function names for your functions so that they will not overwrite system functions. It is recommended that you group your own functions in an object, e.g.

global.myNamespace = {
     func1: function() {
        return "something";

    func2: function() {
        return "something else";


Also See

Customizing Template
Template Tags
Object Properties



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