Object Properties

Please refer to the following table for detailed description of Objects and their properties for use with Template Tags.


Project Description
CONTROL Control Object
PROJ Project Object
PROJ.MasterDetails Master Details Object
PROJ.CustomScripts Custom Scripts Object
PROJ.Menus Menus Object
DB Database Object
TABLE Table Object
FIELD Field Object
Note You can view the object properties by opening your Project File with a text editor. Project file is an XML file, each object is represented by an XML node in the project file. The object properties are saved as attributes of the node. The property name is same as the attribute name.



You can use the standard dot notation to access properties of the objects.


<#= PROJ.ProjName #>

This line will write the project name in the output file.



The CONTROL Object points to the current control in control.xml that is being generated.

Property Description Data Type
CtrlID Control id (e.g. list, view, etc.) String
CtrlType Control type (e.g. table, simple, copy, etc.) String


PROJ Object

The PROJ Object points to the current project. You can access the current project properties by PROJ.PropertyName.

Property Description Data Type
ProjID Project ID (GUID) String
ProjName Project name String
ProjVar Project variable String
MultiLanguage Use multiple languages Boolean
DefaultLanguageFile Default language file String
LanguageFiles Language file list (comma separated) String
SqlQuote SQL quote identifier (Square Bracket / Double Quote / Single Quote / Back Quote / None / Default) String
OutputNameType Output file name option:
"" - No prefix or suffix
"Prefix" - Prefix with extension
"Suffix" - Suffix with extension
OutputNameExt Output file name extension name String
OutputNameLCase Output file name in lowercase Boolean
BodyTitle Body title description String
FooterText Page footer text String
Template Template file location String
Destination Project folder location String
SecType (v4+) Security type:
"None" - no security
"Hard Code" - use hard coded administrator login / password
"Use Table" - use security table
"Both" - Use both security table & hard coded administrator login / password
SecLoginID (v4+) Administrator login id String
SecPasswd (v4+) Administrator password String
SecTbl (v4+) Security table name String
SecLoginIDFld (v4+) Security table login id field name String
SecPasswdFld (v4+) Security table password field name String
SecRegisterPage (v4+) Generate registration page Boolean
DefaultDateFormat Default date format:
medium, short, fullDate, longDate, mediumDate, shortDate,
yyyy/mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy,
yyyy-mm-dd, mm-dd-yyyy, dd-mm-yyyy,
yyyy.mm.dd, mm.dd.yyyy, dd.mm.yyyy
long or short year (yy or yyyy), with or without time (hh:mm:ss).
StartPage Project start page String
UploadPath Source folder for media files (images/videos/audios) String
UploadAllowedFileExt (v4+) Allowed upload file extensions String
CssStyles User css style content String
AutoSync Auto synchronize when open project Boolean
AutoBrowseURL Command after generation ("serve", "build", "build --prod", "cordova run android", "cordova build android", "cordova build android --prod") String
OtherGen Generate other scripts Boolean
OtherGenList Generation list for other scripts. Format:
config=1,css=1,... (Generate "config" = Yes, Generate "css" = No, etc...)
OtherExpanded Expand the other generation list (for display) Boolean
DynamicLoadDB Load database dynamically Boolean
MD5Password (v4+) Use hased password Boolean
CaseSensitivePassword (v4+) Use Case Sensitive password Boolean
RecPerPage (v4+) Records per page Integer
DeleteUploadedFile (v4+) Delete unused uploaded file Boolean
Require (v4+) Additional npm packages String
Note You can add you own project Level properties in the settings.xml in the "src" subfolder under the installed folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\DB AppMaker 4\src\settings.xml). The settings can be set in the user interface via Tools -> Advanced Settings. You can get the settings in the template by means of PROJ.<property name>, (e.g. PROJ.ThumbnailWidth).


PROJ.MasterDetails Object

The PROJ.MasterDetails Object contains the array of all master/detail relationships defined in the current project. Each master/detail relationship has the following properties.

Property Description Data Type
MasterTable Master table name String
DetailTable Detail table name String


PROJ.CustomScripts Object

The PROJ.CustomScripts Object contains the collection of all custom scripts defined in the current project. Each custom script has the following properties.

Property Description Data Type
ScriptType Script type (Server/Client) String
ScriptCodeType Script code type (Global/Table/Other) String
ScriptName Script name String
ScriptCtrlID Script control id String
ScriptL1Key Script level 1 key (table/other name) String
ScriptL2Key Script level 2 key (reserved for future use) String
ScriptCode Custom script code String


PROJ.Menus Object

The PROJ.Menus Object contains the menu items defined in the current project. It has the following properties.

Property Description Data Type
MenuID Menu id Integer
MenuText Menu display text String

Menu parent id

MenuGroup Menu group item Boolean
MenuSource Menu source String
MenuExtUrl Menu external url String
MenuUrl Menu url String
MenuCustomUrl Menu use custom url Boolean
MenuLevel Menu level Integer
MenuShow Menu show this item Boolean
MenuDisplayOrder Menu display order Integer
MenuIconClass (v4+) Menu icon class String


DB Object

The DB Object points to the current database. You can access the current database properties by DB.PropertyName.

Property Description Data Type
DBName Database name String
DBType Database type String
DBPath Database path String
DBPhyPath Database physical path String
DBUID Database user id String
DBPwd Database password String
DBQuoteS Database start quote character String
DBQuoteE Database end quote character String
DBConnstr Database connection string String
DBADOVer ADO version String
DBDBMSName DBMS name String
DBDBMSVer DBMS version String
DBOLEDBVer OleDb version String
DBProviderName Provider name String
DBProviderVer Provider version String
DBSchema Schema name String
MaxUploadSize (v4+) Maximum upload file size Integer
SecUserLevelFld (v4+) User level field name String
SecDefault (v4+) Default security setting String
SecuUserIDFld (v4+) User id field name String
UseDynamicUserLevel (v4+) Use dynamic user level Boolean
UserLevelTbl (v4+) User level table name String
UserLevelIdFld (v4+) User level id field name String
UserLevelNameFld (v4+) User level name field name String
UserLevelPrivTbl (v4+) User level privilege table name String
UserLevelPrivTblNameFld (v4+) User level table name field name String
UserLevelPrivUserLevelFld (v4+) User level user level name field name String
UserLevelPrivPrivFld (v4+) User level privilege field name String
SecuParentUserIDFld (v4+) Parent user id field name String


TABLE Object

The TABLE Object points to the current table. You can access the current table properties by TABLE.PropertyName.

Property Description Data Type
TblSchema Table schema name String
TblName Table name String
TblType Table type (TABLE/VIEW) String
TblKey Table key String
TblGen Generate this table Boolean
TblGenList Generation list for table scripts. Format:
list=1,view=0,... (Generate "list" = Yes, Generate "view" = No, etc...)
TblList Show table in menu Boolean
TblView Table view enabled Boolean
TblEdit (v4+) Table edit enabled Boolean
TblAdd (v4+) Table add enabled Boolean
TblAddOpt (v4+) Table add option enabled Boolean
TblAnonymous (v4+) Table anonymous access security Integer
TblIsMaster (v4+) Table is a master table Boolean
TblIsDetail (v4+) Table is a detail table Boolean
TblDelete (v4+) Table delete enabled Boolean
TblCaption Table caption String
TblUpdatable Table is updatable Boolean
TblSQL Table SQL (Views only) String
TblError Table SQL error (Views only) String
TitleField Table title field String
ThumbnailField Table thumbnail field String
ThumbnailListField Table thumbnail field for list String
TblSearch Table advanced search enabled Boolean
TblDefault Table link from default page Boolean
TblCopy (v4+) Table copy enabled Boolean
TblFilter Table filter (sql where clause) String
TblUserIDFld (v4+) Table user id field name String
TblSecurity (v4+) Table security settings String
TblUserIDAllow (v4+) Table allow view all security level Integer
TblExpanded Expand the table generation list (for display) Boolean
TblLoaded Table is loaded Boolean
TblReportType Report type ("custom" for custom files) String
TblRecPerPage (v4+) Records per page (list page only) Integer


FIELD Object

The FIELD Object points to the current field. You can access the current field properties by FIELD.PropertyName.

Property Description Data Type
FldName Field name String
FldVar Field variable name (format: x_FldName) String
FldParm Field variable name without the "x_" prefix String
FldAlias Field alias name String
FldSourceName Field source name String
FldSourceTable Field source table name String
FldSourceField Field source field name String
FldType Field data type Integer
FldTypeName Field data type name String
NativeDataType Field native data type Integer
FldSupport Field is supported Boolean
FldSort (v4+) Field allows sort Boolean
FldSize Field size Long
FldUniqueIdx Field has unique index Boolean
FldZeroLen Field support zero-length string Boolean
FldReq Field is required (NOT NULL) Boolean
FldIsPrimaryKey Field is primary key Boolean
FldAutoIncrement Field is auto increment field Boolean
FldAttribute Field ADO attributes Long
FldMin (v4+) Minimum value for validation String
FldMax (v4+) Maximum value for validation String
FldErrMsg (v4+) Error message if validation failed String
FldValidate (v4+) Validate format String
FldClientValidateArgs (v4+) Validate arguments String
FldRequired (v4+) Required field for validation Boolean
FldGenerate Field generate enabled Boolean
FldList Field list enabled Boolean
FldView Field view enabled Boolean
FldEdit (v4+) Field edit enabled Boolean
FldAdd (v4+) Field add enabled Boolean
FldAddOpt (v4+) Field add option enabled Boolean
FldSearch (v4+) Field search enabled Boolean
FldRegister (v4+) Field enabled for signup page Boolean
FldDefault Field default value Variant
FldDbDefault Field default value (database) Variant
FldCaption Field caption String
FldViewTag Field view tag String
FldHtmlTag Field html tag String
FldTagSize Field html tag size Integer
FldTagMaxLength Field html tag maximum length Integer
FldSelectType Field select type (Table/Values) String
FldTagValues Field value list String
FldTagLnkTbl Field link to table name String
FldTagLnkFld Field link to table key field name String
FldTagLnkDisplay Field link to table display field name String
FldTagLnkDisp2 Field link to table display field 2 name String
FldTagLnkDisp3 Field link to table display field 3 name String
FldTagLnkDisp4 Field link to table display field 4 name String
FldTagLnkOrderBy Field link to table order by field name String
FldTagLnkOrderType Field link to table order type (ASC/DESC) String
FldTagCols (v4+) Field column count (TEXTAREA) Integer
FldTagRows (v4+) Field row count (TEXTAREA) Integer
FldTagImgWidth Image width (IMG) Integer
FldTagImgHeight Image height (IMG) Integer
FldTagAType Href type String
FldTagATarget Href target type (A) String
FldTagAPrefix (v4+) Href prefix (A) String
FldTagASuffix (v4+) Href suffix (A) String
FldBold Field bold enabled Boolean
FldItalic Field italic enabled Boolean
FldAlign Field alignment String
FldFmtType Field format type:
"Currency" - format as currency
"Date/Time" - format as date/time
"Number" - format as number
"String" - format as string
FldDtFormat Field date format:
  • 0 - Default - based on locale file
  • 1 - DateTime - Date and time, format based on locale file
  • 2 - Date - Date only, format based on locale file
  • 3 - Time(AM/PM) - 12-hour with AM/PM
  • 4 - Time - 24-hour
  • 5 - Ymd
  • 6 - mdY
  • 7 - dmY
  • 8 - YmdHis
  • 9 - mdYHis
  • 10 - dmYHis
  • 11 - ymd
  • 12 - mdy
  • 13 - dmy
  • 14 - ymdHis
  • 15 - mdyHis
  • 16 - dmyHis
FldNumDigits Field number of digits after decimal Integer
FldHrefFld Field hyperlink to field name String
FldHrefFldOrig (v4+) Href use original value Boolean
FldStrFunc Field string function name String
FldPipe (v4+) Pipe function name String
FldMemoMaxLength Maximum length for memo field (list page only) Integer
FldSelectSize (v4+) Multiple selection list size Integer
FldSelectMultiple (v4+) Use multiple selection list Boolean
FldSelectFilter Field select filter String
FldParentSelect (v4+) Dynamic combobox parent field name String
FldParentSelect2 (v4+) Dynamic combobox parent field name 2 String
FldParentSelect3 (v4+) Dynamic combobox parent field name 3 String
FldParentSelect4 (v4+) Dynamic combobox parent field name 4 String
FldSelectFilterFld (v4+) Dynamic combobox filter field name String
FldSelectFilterFld2 (v4+) Dynamic combobox filter field name 2 String
FldSelectFilterFld3 (v4+) Dynamic combobox filter field name 3 String
FldSelectFilterFld4 (v4+) Dynamic combobox filter field name 4 String
FldSelectAllowAdd (v4+) Ajax add to combo box Boolean
FldQuoteS Field start quote character String
FldQuoteE Field end quote character String
FldUploadPath Field level media files folder String
FldUploadMultiple (v4+) Upload multiple fields (comma separated) Boolean
UploadAllowedFileExt (v4+) Allowed upload file extensions (comma separated) Boolean
UploadMaxFileSize (v4+) Upload maximum file size Long
UploadMaxFileCount (v4+) Upload maximum file count (multiple upload only) Long
FldAutoUpdateValue (v4+) Field auto update value String
FldEditCustomAttributes (v4+) Field edit tag custom attributes String
FldViewCustomAttributes Field view tag custom attributes String
FldTagACustomAttributes Field href tag custom attributes String
FldSelectForceSelection (v4+) Field select force selection Boolean
FldMemoCRLFReplace (v4+) Field replace CrLf with <br> Boolean
FldTooltipFld (v4+) Field tool tip field String
FldTooltipWidth (v4+) Field tool tip width (px) Long
FldVirtualLookup (v4+) Field use virtual lookup (for sort and search) Boolean
FldViewTemplate (v4+) Field custom view template String
FldEditTemplate (v4+) Field custom edit template String
FldOptionTemplate (v4+) Optional template for auto fill/auto suggest String


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