
To further customize your app, you can implement your own business logic by adding your own code. Your code is stored in the project so you can migrate your project to other templates or future versions easily. This feature reduces the need of template customization and create maximum possibilities for you to customize and create more advanced features for your projects.

Note This feature is for advanced users only, writing your own code requires intermediate knowledge in TypeScript, Angular, and Ionic Framework. If you do not know what they are, read Introduction to Frameworks first.

After loading the database, the database objects (tables or views) will be shown in the left pane (the database pane). Click on any table to go to the Field Setup Page and then select the Code tab.

The treeview shows what you can add to your project. To add your code, select an item in the treeview, then enter your code in the editor.


  1. Each page in an app includes 4 files, *.html, *.ts, *.scss, *.module.ts. The Code tab is NOT an editor for these pages, it lets you customize the page by adding or replacing specific parts of the pages only (see below).
  2. For the *.html pages, see Custom Templates for details.
  3. If you need complete control over a page, you can use extensions to add/change the page, see Extensions.
  4. If you need complete control over the template, see Customizing Template.

The editor supports Find and Replace. Press Ctrl-F to open the Find dialog and press Ctrl-H to open the Replace dialog.

You can click the Clear button to discard the existing code and reset.


Code Repository

DB Appmaker provides a Code Repository for easy reuse of your code across projects and sharing with other users. Click the Code Repository button to open it, categorized reusable code will be displayed:

You can add the code to the editor by clicking the Add to Editor button. The reusable code is stored in XML files which reside in s subfolder name "code" under the installation folder. The format of the XML files is simple, there are 2 parts:

  1. description - description of the reusable code
  2. code - code to be inserted to editor

There are some sample files in the "code" folder, you can copy and modify for your own code and then save them under the "code" folder for reuse.



TypeScript -> Table-Specific
*.ts Service for the table

This event will be fired before rendering a record.

The event has only one argument, i.e. rowOnRender(row: any) {...}, where row is a DbRecord object representing the record, you can use console.log(row) to view the record first (see below).



This event will be fired after rendering a record.

The event has only one argument, i.e. rowAfterRendered(row: any) {...}, where row is a DbRecord object representing the record.

After rendering, the row object contains rendered data of all fields for the page, each field is a property of the row object, each field is a DbField object. Prior to customizing the field values, you may want to view the row's properies in the console first so that you know what to customize.

Example 1 - Set record title (override Title field, see Table Setup)

rowAfterRendered(row: any) {
    //console.log(row); // Uncomment to view the arguments in console
row.title = row.FirstName.value + " " + row.LastName.value; // Change the title of the record

Example 2 - Hide a field conditionally

rowAfterRendered(row: any) {
    //console.log(row); // Uncomment to view the arguments in console
if (<some conidtion>) row.myfield.visible = false; // Hide the field on condition

Example 3 - Change field value

rowAfterRendered(row: any) {
    //console.log(row); // Uncomment to view the arguments in console
if (["list", "view"].includes(this.pageId)) row.myfield.value = String(row.myfield.value).toUpperCase(); // Change display value in List/View page

If you use the command ionic serve to test the app in your browser, the row will be logged in Chrome DevTools Console (press Control+Shift+J in Chrome), view the properties and then customize the row.


  1. The field object can be obtained by row.<fieldname> where <fieldname> represents the field variable name. In general, if the field name is alphanumeric, field variable name is same as the field name, but it may be different, see Table and Field Variable Names.
  2. In general, the field value can be obtained by row.<fieldname>.value, for other properties, see the source code in dbfield.ts.
  3. row.title is a property representing the title of the row. It is used by both the List page and View page as title of the item.
other Class members to be added for the class.
*list.ts, *view.ts, *add.ts, *edit.ts List/View/Add/Edit page of the table

Additional import statement for the page, e.g.

import { FooService } from './foo.service';
import { BarService } from './bar.service';

Note If the service is from npm package, click Tools -> npm Packages to add the package to the project first.

Additional services (comma separated) to be injected into the page, e.g.

public fooService: FooService,
private barService: BarService

ngOnInit Fired once during component initialization. This event can be used to initialize local members and make calls into services that only need to be done once. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
onViewWillEnter Fired when the component routing to is about to animate into view. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
ionViewDidEnter Fired when the component routing to has finished animating. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
ionViewWillLeave Fired when the component routing from is about to animate. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
ionViewDidLeave Fired when the component routing to has finished animating. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
ngOnDestroy Fired right before Angular destroys the view. Useful for cleanup like unsubscribing from observables. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
other Class members to be added for the class.
*list.module.ts, *view.module.ts, *add.module.ts, *edit.module.ts Module of the List/View/Add/Edit page

Additional import statement for the page, e.g.

import { FooModule } from 'some-package';


  1. If the module is from npm package, click Tools -> npm Packages to add the package to the project first.
  2. Do NOT use import * as foo.


TypeScript -> Global
app.component.ts App component

Additional import statement for the page, e.g.

import { FooService } from './foo.service';
import { BarService } from './bar.service';

Note If the service is from npm package, click Tools -> npm Packages to add the package to the project first.

Additional services (comma separated) to be injected into the page, e.g.

public fooService: FooService,
private barService: BarService

ngOnInit Fired once during component initialization. This event can be used to initialize local members and make calls into services that only need to be done once. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
ngOnDestroy Fired right before Angular destroys the view. Useful for cleanup like unsubscribing from observables. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
other Class members to be added for the class.
ngOnInit Runs when the page has loaded. This event only happens once per page being created. If a page leaves but is cached, then this event will not fire again on a subsequent viewing. The ngOnInit event is good place to put your setup code for the page.
other Class members to be added to the class of the component.
app.module.ts App module

Additional import statement for the app, e.g.

import { FooModule } from 'some-package';


  1. If the module is from npm package, click Tools -> npm Packages to add the package to the project first.
  2. Do NOT use import * as foo.

Additional providers (comma separated) for the app.

settings.ts, login.ts, signup.ts Settings/Login/Signup page

Additional import statement for the page, e.g.

import { FooService } from './foo.service';
import { BarService } from './bar.service';

Note If the service is from npm package, click Tools -> npm Packages to add the package to the project first.

Additional services (comma separated) to be injected into the page, e.g.

public fooService: FooService,
private barService: BarService

ngOnInit Fired once during component initialization. This event can be used to initialize local members and make calls into services that only need to be done once. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
onViewWillEnter Fired when the component routing to is about to animate into view. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
ionViewDidEnter Fired when the component routing to has finished animating. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
ionViewWillLeave Fired when the component routing from is about to animate. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
ionViewDidLeave Fired when the component routing to has finished animating. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
ngOnDestroy Fired right before Angular destroys the view. Useful for cleanup like unsubscribing from observables. See Ionic Page Life Cycle.
other Class members to be added for the class.
settings.module.ts, login.module.ts, signup.module.ts Module of the Settings/Login/Signup page

Additional import statement for the page, e.g.

import { FooModule } from 'some-package';


  1. If the module is from npm package, click Tools -> npm Packages to add the package to the project first.
  2. Do NOT use import * as foo.



HTML/SCSS -> Table-Specific
*list.html List page of the table
Toolbar Toolbar template to replace ion-toolbar at the top of the page.
Content Content template to replace ion-label inside ion-item. Each ion-item represents a record.
Options Options template to replace the ion-item-options inside ion-item-sliding. For List page with Copy/Edit/Delete enabled.
*list.scss SCSS for List page of the table
Styles SCSS styles for the page.
*view.html View page of the table
Toolbar Toolbar template to replace ion-toolbar at the top of the page.
Content Content template to replace HTML inside ion-content.
*view.scss SCSS for View page of the table
Styles SCSS styles for the page.
*add.html Add page of the table
Toolbar Toolbar template to replace ion-toolbar at the top of the page.
Content Content template to replace the ion-list of the page.
Note You can also use ion-grid, ion-row and ion-col to build the layout of the page.
Buttons Buttons template to replace the buttons at the bottom of the page.
Note You can use ion-row and ion-col to arrange the buttons.
*add.scss SCSS for Add page of the table
Styles SCSS styles for the page.
*edit.html Edit page of the table
Toolbar Toolbar template to replace ion-toolbar at the top of the page.
Content Content template to replace the ion-list of the page.
Note You can also use ion-grid, ion-row and ion-col to build the layout of the page.
Buttons Buttons template to replace the buttons at the bottom of the page.
Note You can use ion-row and ion-col to arrange the buttons.
*edit.scss SCSS for Edit page of the table
Styles SCSS styles for the page.


HTML/SCSS -> Global
app.component.html App component
Menu Menu template to replace ion-menu of the page.
settings.html Settings page
Toolbar Toolbar template to replace ion-toolbar at the top of the page.
Content Content template to replace the ion-list of the page.
Note You can also use ion-grid, ion-row and ion-col to build the layout of the page.
settings.scss SCSS for Settings page
Styles SCSS styles for the page.
login.html Login page
Toolbar Toolbar template to replace ion-toolbar at the top of the page.
Content Content template to replace all ion-item inside ion-list of the page. Each ion-item represents a field.
Note You can also use ion-grid, ion-row and ion-col to build the layout of the page.
Buttons Buttons template to replace the buttons at the bottom of the page.
Note You can use ion-row and ion-col to arrange the buttons.
login.scss SCSS for Login page
Styles SCSS styles for the page.
signup.html Signup page
Toolbar Toolbar template to replace ion-toolbar at the top of the page.
Logo Logo template to replace ion-toolbar at the center of the page.
Content Content template to replace the ion-list of the page.
Note You can also use ion-grid, ion-row and ion-col to build the layout of the page.
Buttons Buttons template to replace the buttons at the bottom of the page.
Note You can use ion-row and ion-col to arrange the buttons.
signup.scss SCSS for Signup page
Styles SCSS styles for the page.


Tip For templates of the *.html pages, you do not need to create from scatch, you can copy from the originally generated *.html and then customize.


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