Table Setup

Note For simplicity, we use "table" in the following description to refer to any of database object in the project. A database object can be either a table or a view.

After loading the database, the tables will be shown in the database pane on the left pane.

You can click on the Tables or Views node in the database pane to go to the Tables setup page which is a grid showing some (not all) settings for all tables. If you need to set these settings for multiple tables, this page allow you to view and set them quickly.

screen shot

If you prefer to view the tables in alphabetical order, click Tools -> Sort Tables Alphabetically (see Tools).

You can still change the display order of the tables by drag-and-drop. Simply single field by clicking the table name (or select multiple fields by ctrl-clicking or shift-clicking the table names), then drag and drop to where you want. Note that a table cannot be moved out of its parent node.

Note that changing the display order of table in this Table Setup page does not change the display order of the tables in the menu. To change the display order of the menu item, click Tools -> Menu Editor (see Tools).

To access settings for a particular table, click the table node of any table in the database pane and then click the Table tab to go to the Table Setup page. This is the setup page for a single table.

screen shot

The available table level settings are as follows:

Name Table name
Generate Select/unselect the table for generation

Caption of the table.

Note If you use Multi-Language (see Config Settings), use Multi-Language Property Editor, see Tools for details.

Specify a server side default filter (WHERE clause) for the table. Click the [...] button in Filter column, the Filter Editor will popup. Enter your filter, you can drag the field names from the left pane to the editor, the SQL identifier quote characters will also be added for you automatically.

Note The filter must be a valid WHERE clause (without the "WHERE" keyword).

Specify server side default sort fields (ORDER BY clause) for the table. Click the [...] button in Sort column, the following dialog box will popup. You can choose up to 6 fields, in either ascending or descending order.

Default Set a Table as the Default Table. The Default table is the first table the user see when opening the app. If not specified, the first table will be used.


Title field

Specifies the Title field. The field value should be a short description of the item, e.g. product name.

Note This field must be selected to show in the List page, see Field Setup.
Thumbnail field

Specifies the Thumbnail field. The field value should be an image file name (without file path) to be used as thumbnail for the item.

Note This field must be selected to show in the List page, see Field Setup.


  1. By default thumbnails in List page are 80 x 80 px square images, if you want other sizes, you can change by Advanced Settings. If the provided images are larger, they will be resized.
  2. If the provided images are not square, they will be cropped.
  3. If you prefer to use circular images, enable Use avatar (see below).
Use avatar Use the avatar effect for thumbnail
Thumbnail on right Put the thumbnails on right side
Infinite scroll Enable InfiniteScroll which will load more records when the user scrolls a specified distance from the bottom or top of the page.
Page size Number of records to be shown in the List page. If unspecified, the global page size of 30 will be used, you can adjust global page size under the Config -> General tab (see Config Settings).
Search Specifies whether the page allows searching.


  1. Only fields selected for the List page and enabled for searching can be searched, see Field Setup.
  2. For fields with lookup table, by default the real field value, NOT the display values, will be searched. However, you can enable Allow sort/search for the field, see Lookup Table.
Sort Specifies whether the page allows sorting.


  1. Only fields selected for the List page and enabled for sorting can be sorted, see Field Setup.
  2. Only single field sorting is supported.
  3. For fields with lookup table, by default the real field value, NOT the display values, will be sorted. However, you can enable Allow sort/search for the field, see Lookup Table.


View If enabled, a View page for the table will be generated (for displaying a record). Default is enabled.
Thumbnail field

Specifies the Thumbnail field. The field is used as thumbnail for the record in the View page and the thumbnail will be placed at the top of the page. The field value should be an image (binary data or file name), and the field should be displayed by the Image View Tag, see View Tag in Field Setup.

Note This field must be selected to show in the View page, see Field Setup.

Note By default thumbnails in View page are not resized and are with styles max-width: 100% and height: auto, if your images are very large and you prefer specific width/height, you can set the default thumbnail sizes by Advanced Settings, then the images will be resized on the server side.



If enabled, an Add page for the table will be generated (for adding/copying a record). Default is enabled.


  1. The table must have primary key or this setting will be unchecked during generation.
  2. The Add button is implemented as an ion-fab-button and is shown at the bottom of the List page.

If enabled, Add page will be generated and "Copy" links will be generated for record(s) in List/View page (for copying). Default is enabled. (If this setting is enabled, the "Add" setting is also enabled by default as copying requires the Add page.)


  1. The table must have primary key or this setting will be unchecked during generation.
  2. If enabled, each record in the List page is implemented as an ion-item-sliding which contains an item that can be dragged to reveal buttons implemented as ion-item-option. Users need to slide the item open to see the Copy button.



If enabled, an Edit page for the table will be generated (for updating a record). Default is enabled.


  1. The table must have primary key or this setting will be unchecked during generation.
  2. If enabled, each record in the List page is implemented as an ion-item-sliding which contains an item that can be dragged to reveal buttons implemented as ion-item-option. Users need to slide the item open to see the Edit button.



If enabled, a Delete button will be generated. Default is enabled.


  1. The table must have primary key or this setting will be unchecked during generation.
  2. There is no Delete page, only a Delete button will be generated. If enabled, each record in the List page is implemented as an ion-item-sliding which contains an item that can be dragged to reveal buttons implemented as ion-item-option. Users need to slide the item open to see the Delete button.



You can establish master/detail (one-to-many) relationship between two tables as follows

  1. Select a table in the table grid,
  2. Then in Master/Detail panel at the bottom right corner of the page, click Modify... to bring up the visual master/detail relationship editor.
  3. Click Add table to add the master and detail table to the diagram.
  4. Create a relationship between them by dragging from the master field (key field in master table) to the detail field (foreign key field in the detail table). If there are more linked field, repeat the step until all the relationships are setup.

If you want to remove a relationship, select the link in the diagram and click Delete. After setup, click OK to confirm.

Note The diagram only shows master/detail relationships of the selected table. Although you can setup relationships for other tables in the diagram and view them in the Master/Detail panel immediately after clicking OK, the relationships for other tables will not be loaded again if you go to other table and then come back to this table. Instead, the relationships will only be displayed when you change to the related tables.

In most cases, master and detail tables are joined by one field, you have one link between the master/detail table and you have one row in the Master/Detail panel only.

In the generated app, to see detail records of a master record, go to the View page of the master record and click the button at top right:

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