Generate Settings


Template file Template archive (zip file)
Project folder

The project folder where the ASP.NET scripts are to be generated.


  1. Use alphanumerical characters only for the project folder name,
  2. Make sure you have write permission to this folder,
  3. This folder is NOT the wwwroot of the website, a subfolder named wwwroot will be generated under this folder, see Web root.
  4. This folder is NOT the final website. During development, you can use HTTP.sys web server (see below) to test the project. After development, you need to publish (see below) the project to another folder and then deploy the output folders.
Start page

Specify the first page that the default page should redirect users to.

If this setting is left blank, user will be redirected to the List page of the default table (see Table Setup) or the first table that the user have permission to access.

If this setting is not blank, the default page will simply redirect user to the page you specify, e.g. a page not generated by the current project.

Note If you start the site by the typical index.cshtml, leave this setting blank, do NOT enter default or there will be a indefinite loop.
Lowercase output file name Specify whether output file names are in lowercase
Clear project folder first

Delete all previously generated files in the project folder.

For example, if you have removed a table, the previously generated scripts for the removed table still exist in the project folder, you should remove them so that the newly generated project can be compiled without errors.


Specify if the project should be published after generation.


  1. No need to publish during development, you can test with HTTP.sys (see below) or Visual Studio. You only need to publish after finishing development and when you want to deploy the project to IIS.
  2. By default the publish folder is <ProjectFolder>\bin\<configuration>\<framework>\<runtime>\publish, e.g. <ProjectFolder>\bin\Debug\netcoreapp2.1\win10-x64\publish under which you should find many files, including a subfolder named wwwroot, you must deploy all subfolder and files under this publish folder to the target folder of your IIS server and set the application at the target (NOT wwwroot) folder containing the web.config, read Host ASP.NET Core on Windows with IIS.
  3. A batch file name build.bat will be generated in the project folder, if you have modified the generated files with your editor, you can open a command prompt and run the batch file to re-publish the project without using ASP.NET Maker.
  4. There are a few advanced settings for publishing, see Advanced Settings.
Testing web server

Specify the web server that you want to use to test the generated site. For use with Browse after generation (see below). You can choose HTTP.sys or Other web server.

If you choose HTTP.sys, the generated site will be run by .NET Core. The default port number is 5000, if you want to change, set the Advanced Setting "HTTP.sys port number".

If you choose Other web server (i.e. IIS), you need to specify Testing root URL (see below) also.

Note If you use local IIS to test, make sure you have also installed Windows Server Hosting, see System Requirements.

If you want to use Visual Studio to open the generated project, this setting can be ignored.

Browse after generation

Specify whether to open a browser to test the generated site after script generation.

If you want to use Visual Studio to open the generated project, there is no need to enable this option.

Testing root URL

Specify the URL of your testing site that maps to the publish folder. For use with Browse after generation. If you use HTTP.sys, this setting is NOT required.

For example, if you have set up project folder as:


By default the publish output folder will be:


Deploy the subfolders and files to the target folder of your IIS server. Use IIS Manager to setup ASP.NET application at the target folder.

Note If you use local IIS to test, although it is possible to set up ASP.NET application at the publish folder directly, you may need to stop the website when you re-generate scripts so that the old scripts can be overwritten.

If you have setup your testing website in IIS Manager so that you browse the site by URL, e.g. http://localhost:5001/

Then the Testing root URL should also be set as:



After setting above, click the [Generate] button to generate scripts. ASP.NET Maker allows you select scripts to generate, just select the files you want to generate in the [Output] column. If you want use ASP.NET Maker scripts in your custom ASP.NET scripts, you may not want to generate header and footer in those pages. Then you can enable [No header/footer] for those pages. Note that header includes the menu and the project title.

After selection, click the [Generate] button to generate scripts.

If you modify settings for a table and want to re-generate script for that table only, you can click [Unselect All], then select the files you want to re-generate and click the [Generate] button to generate again. If you are not sure which files to re-generate, click [Select All] and re-generate all files.

You can also right-click the column header of [Output] or [No header/footer] to quickly select all or unselect all items in the column.


  1. If it is your first generation or you have changed some project level settings, you must select [Other files] to generate the non table-specific pages.
  2. You can press F9 to skip above form and generate all scripts.
  3. You can press Ctrl + F9 to skip above form and re-generate previously selected scripts.

If you need to abort script generation in the middle of the process, just click the [Cancel] button under the progress bar that displayed during generation.


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